Public body


Agencia de Residus de Catalunya
Doctor Roux 80
08036 Barcelona

E: informacio.arc.tes@gencat.cat
T: +34 93 567 33 00

Website: www.residus.gencat.cat/en/inici/


ARC (Agència de Residus de Catalunya), the Waste Agency of Catalonia is the public company of the Department of Planning and Sustainability of the Government of Catalonia. Its scope is planning, promoting legislation, inspection, awareness, technical and economic support to local authorities for different waste streams (municipal, industrial, construction waste and debris, waste from agriculture and livestock, sanitary waste) and also recocery of contaminated soils.

In order to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Catalonia and protect the environment, the main objectives of the Waste Agency of Catalonia are: the promotion of minimization of waste and its potential danger, the promotion of separate collection of waste, maximize the waste recycling and other recovery operations, minimize the refuse disposal and the recovery of areas and soils degraded by uncontrolled discharges of waste or contaminated soils.

Currently, ARC is drafting the new Programme of Prevention & Management of Waste & Resources in Catalonia (PRECAT2020), which determines the action strategy of the Government of Catalonia on the prevention and management of waste until 2020 under the perspective of contributing to the production and efficient use of resources and promoting the development of circular, competitive and low-carbon economy, and at the same time generating new activities and jobs.

ARC has included in its new program the need to consider the study of landfill mining (LFM) and some pilot tests to assess its recovery potential and also the technical and economic feasibility.

Welcome to EURELCO

EURELCO is an open, quadruple helix network that supports the required technological, legal, social, economic, environmental and organisational innovation with respect to the development and implementation of a Dynamic Landfill Management (DLM) framework. The DLM framework includes resource recovery-driven Enhanced Landfill Mining (ELFM) as one of its most advanced components, thereby supporting the transition to a resource efficient, circular, low-carbon economy. Are you a relevant actor working on DLM or ELFM?


ELFM Symposia

ELFM Symposia

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Kasteelpark Arenberg 44
3001 Leuven, Belgium